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Donate (or ayni exchange)
An ayni exchange is an energetic exchange. On average, in the past, Samantha charged $90 for a 60 minute session, and $120 for a 90 minute session. And yet, we seek to work on the principle of ayni. What we are offered is always fine with us when it comes to healing. There is always an exchange of sorts.
We use the word "donate" because it's closer to our intention, and people know what it means. It comes from the Latin language, it means "a presenting, a giving," it's a noun of action from the past-participle stem of donare, to "give as a gift,".
Ayni expresses itself as one gives what one receives, whether before or after, in the spirit of abundance to self and others. Essentially, we never know how Spirit's books are balanced in the end. In the world of healing, a healing can be free and the energy returned later, it can be an exchange of services, a sacred offering (eg. like with sweetgrass or tobacco) or a gift, to say nothing of exchanging currency like fiat money or crypto.
And so, ayni is energetic reciprocity. According to Joan Parisi Wilcox, author of Masters of the Living Energy: The Mystical World of the Q'ero of Peru, ayni is defined as the following:
"Ayni is the seminal operating principle of behaviour and of being in the Andes. In the social structure, ayni expresses itself as a system of communal, shared labor, where for example, farmers help work each other's fields. Ayni also is a guiding moral principle, similar to the Christian concept Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
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